I don't talk about my experiences in high school much. Part of it is because it is the past, and part of it is that it seems to make people feel bad for me when really they shouldn't. I am a cancer survivor and a much stronger person because of my experiences. I met a lot of great people and am who I am today because of the cancer and the subsequent events that followed.
While I am really positive about my experience with cancer I will admit that there were some tough times and I am thankful for my friends and family that helped me through those experiences. I am posting this blog because of a group of people that made having cancer less scary.
I went to Camp Okizu my first summer after getting diagnosed with cancer. I had just gotten out of the hospital and was at my lowest point health wise since getting diagnosed. In spite of all of this my doctors encouraged me to still go to Camp. I'm so glad that they did! I may have been really sick for most of the time and had to spend time in the infirmary, aka "The Inn", but I had a blast. I was put in a cabin with an amazing group of girls and we called ourselves the "Superstars", I swam in a lake, I did archery, I learned how to make some new friendship bracelets, I developed crushes on some of the boys, I went to a dance, and I spent every night under the stars. Basically I experienced all of the same things that a normal teenager would at a summer camp. All the girls I was with had been through cancer and chemo, in fact all of the kids had. We could easily ask each other about our experiences, we could say how much it sucked, or how awesome our doctors were. After having these talks we would then move onto other things like the cute guys at camp and who was hooking up with who. It was amazing to go from normal teenage things to talking about cancer then back to normal teenage stuff.
After I left camp that week I had a whole new perspective on my experiences and I looked forward to the following summer, which I did go again and had a blast again. In fact that was the summer that I met some more really great friends and really built up a group of friends that I wish I was still in contact with. Some of those friends have passed on due to their battles with cancer and the others have moved on to live great lives, but we will always have the great times at Okizu.
You may wonder what is so great about this camp and why I want you to vote for them on Facebook so they can get some much needed money, it is because all of these experiences were completely FREE! They didn't charge any money for those experiences, but offered the chance to escape for a little while. They offer three different types of camps, cancer kids, siblings, and family camp. It is a little bit for everyone, and let me repeat this, FREE! But it is only free because of the support of both private and corporate donors, so please click on the button at the top and vote for Camp Okizu. Thank you!