So this year I set out with a huge goal of not pulling money out of my savings to cover for the short falls in my spending money, and also to not have to pay off my credit card. My plan was to have money set aside every paycheck as my spending money and to have to plan out how that was spent. I also was planning on not using my credit card any more. Well then life got in the way. So far this year I have had to get a handle on my credit card debt and pay it off before the interest rates shot up, pay for my 30,000 mile tune up on my car and pay for my registration. I've also had a little bit too much fun spending money on knitting things.
I looked at my savings account tonight, to transfer some money over to my checking so I could pay for my dental bill, yet another expense, and I was saddened by where it would be after this transfer. Now I put money into my savings account every pay check and I have money going into a 401(K). The initial saving of the money isn't hard for me, its the not spending of the saved money that is hard for me. I keep getting frustrated with myself because I'm supposed to be saving money for a wedding and for life after the wedding, yet I can't seem to stop buying things, mainly fiber related items.
All of this is leading up to say that I am putting myself on a yarn diet. I will allow myself to buy something knitting related every two weeks if money allows, but if I'm low on funds then no yarn for me. After all I have enough yarn to last me for quite awhile.
In other news I bought the supplies to start making stitch markers tonight. I think I am slowly building up the skills to start selling things to help support my yarn addiction.