I've been at this point in my life a few times before, where I knew that big changes were coming. I knew when I went from a public to a private school that my life would never be the same, and when I went into high school that life was changing, same with when I moved 2 hours from everything I knew to go to college. The biggest change came when I moved even further from the family I grew up with to live where I am now in hopes of better job opportunities. Whether or not the job opportunities have truly been better is up for debate, but I am definitely happy here.
This year brings a big known change, I will be marrying the love of my life. I am super excited to start building our lives together and starting our own traditions and just figuring out what married life is all about, together. Its that together part that I'm most excited about. What I'm worried about is that we are 70 days away from the actual wedding and we still aren't sure about where we are going to live.
There is the apartment complex which has all the amenities we want, but in a location that means Mr. Badango would have to get a transfer to a different store or else deal with a lot of driving and time away from home. Then we have the apartment complex that is in the right location, but has to go through some major planned renovations to get 99% of the amenities we want, just minus the gym. We also have the possibility of being able to move into a house on the same property where I'm living now, but that is only if my uncle is able to get the permits together to make it happen, and at this point I don't see that happening.
Needless to say I'm a little stressed about all of this. I want a decision made before I go back to work on Tuesday and Mr. Badango isn't quite ready for a decision to be made. I guess it will all work out in the end.
In other news there are definitely moths in my current abode and I will be moving my stash into my trunk or into Mr. Badango's current residence for fear that the stupid moths will do hundreds of dollars worth of damage before I am able to get out of this place. It is rather frustrating to be wearing one of the favorite hats you have knit and then to find three giant holes wear the moths have had a field day.
I guess it wouldn't be a New Years post without some goals for the new year.
1) Relax and enjoy life as it comes
2) Show my body the love and concern it deserves by eating healthier and becoming more active
3) Knit some fingerless gloves so my hands aren't always freezing cold
4) Pick up after myself
5) Enjoy married life when it comes