Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Admitting Defeat

I have finally decided to admit defeat to the scale.  I no longer want the scale controlling me, or when I decide to reward myself for healthy living.  I want my focus to be on living a healthy life with portion control, clean food, and an active lifestyle.  If the scale does not want to cooperate with me and go down in numbers then I do not want that to deter me from continuing with my healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is more important than the number on the scale.  I can not let the number on the scale depress me and make me lose motivation.  In the past I have given up on living the healthy life because the numbers weren't going down so I wasn't able to get the reward I wanted to give myself.  I would give up and just purchase the reward and go back to the inconsistent diet I was at before. 

I got frustrated the other day when the numbers on the scale went up.  It was at this point that I just wanted to give up, admit defeat.  But I gave myself a challenge this year, to do a different magazine diet every month and I can't give up on that challenge less than a month in.  So I decided that I needed to keep plodding along with succeeding in the challenge.  Then I got to thinking how unfair it would be if I kept on with this challenge with no reward, other than feeling a bit more energy and healthier.  I came to the conclusion that I would reward myself for following the healthy lifestyle for 2 months.  So every 2 months I get a reward no matter what the scale reflects, as long as I can honestly say that I was striving toward a healthy diet and active life.  If I hit a goal weight then the two months start over.

Now I honestly want to keep up with this program, knowing that no matter what I will get my iPhone on March 2nd.  Even if the scale doesn't go where I want it to go I will still get my iPhone.

1 comment:

Minnesota Mazzio's said...

I find it helpful to step away from the scale and concentrate on how I feel. maybe limit your weigh into just once a month.
