Monday, January 9, 2012

Rewards and Motivation

So far this Magazine Diet is working, but of course it has only been a week.  I'm starting strong with the second week though and I'm determined to see this month through.  I know I went over my calories today and I will again on Saturday, but that is because the meals were beyond my control.  I did control as much as I could though and I'm proud of myself for not just throwing in the towel entirely and not giving myself a pass for the night.  I will be praying for the strength to do the same thing on Saturday at the potluck.

When I was browsing Pinterest the other day I saw a pin for a 2012 Resolutions Bracelet.  I was getting really excited about the idea and was about to buy one when I remembered that I bought myself a gorgeous faux pearl ring on New Years Day. 

I decided that this ring would be my 2012 Resolutions Ring.  I wear it every day and it is motivation to me.  I think about wanting to lose enough weight that it will fall off.  Maybe I will buy myself another pretty ring when that happens.

I also get highly motivated by rewards, so I have decided on three rewards for myself.  I will get my first one when I have lost about 4 pounds and kept it off for a week.  The other ones will follow every 5 pounds.  Without further ado, my rewards in the order which I will receive them.

1. iPhone

2. Yarn from Loopy Ewe
3. A Pedicure

I'm hoping that I will be able to get the iPhone for my birthday which is February 10th.  If I keep making progress like I did last week then I will.  It will also mark me breaking through a plateau that I feel like I have been at for a year.  No matter how hard I worked out or how little I ate I just haven't been able to get under a specific weight.  I'm looking forward to when I reach that first goal.

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