Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Meeting Goals

Okay, I have a confession.  I've been avoiding posting up my weight loss progress because I feel like it has stalled.  I weighed in at 192.2 this morning and am realizing that is down .5 pounds since April 24th.  The thing is, the scale has been bouncing around all over the place for the past few weeks.  One day it will be 190.9 then 191.4 then 192.2 then 190.3 then 191.6 then 192.2.  It is driving me a bit bonkers, but ultimately the low is getting lower and the high is also getting lower.  I may not get into the 180s like I wanted to this month, but I will be meeting my other goals that I set at the beginning of the month.

Goals for May
- Complete 30 DS- Working on it
- Get into the 180s- Eh, my body will get there when it gets there
- Continue to track all of my food- Been doing that
- Run a mile- Accomplished today and will continue to push myself to go further.

 I was reading a rant the other day from a woman who was upset about the rate the numbers on the scale were going down.  She knew that she looked thinner and her measurements told her so, but that number on the scale just wasn't going down.  I loved one of the responses and am trying to keep it in mind as I continue on this journey.

"So you've gotten physically and visibly smaller, right? But the number on the scale, which no one sees but you, hasn't changed? I don't see a problem here."

The number on the scale is only visible to me, and most people don't really care about that number.  What matters is that I am building muscle and toning up.  And whenever the fat does decide to drop off I bet I will have a 6 pack waiting for me.

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