Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hey she's Knitting!

Tonight was a wonderful night out with my boyfriend and some of his friends. It started with going to a really delicious revolving sushi restaurant and then we migrated over to a British pub. While at the pub most of my DBFs friends were doodling on some paper (they are all into the art scene and really good at what they do) and DBF was talking to them and well, I was kinda just sitting there. So I nudged DBF to get the car keys and I went and grabbed my current knitting project. Can't say what it is because its a gift. But when I pull it out one of the girls goes " Hey she's knitting!" I almost, in a smart ass way, said "Hey you were drawing!" Luckily I held my tongue and just said yes I am. I just thought it was interesting that it was perfectly normal for them to be doodling in the pub while it was odd for me to be knitting. Then again I guess it was an unusual thing for me to be a British pub...eating Spotted Dick...with a group of Asians...after eating sushi made by Mexicans. Okay...the whole situation was just interesting.

The above situation reminds me why I love knitting out in public, or KIPing. It is always interesting to see peoples responses. It ranges from people telling me about there experiences with yarn crafts to guys hitting on me because I'm knitting to older gentlemen telling me about the amazing blankets their grandmothers made and are now family heirlooms. I also really enjoy the compliments on the objects I'm working on and have to suppress the urge to show them all of the other projects I have with me. I have to remind myself that not everyone wants to see every single thing that is on my needles or that I have knitted and that there is a fine line between interesting girl knitting out in public and well...that crazy girl who obsesses about knitting and won't shut up about it if you say anything to her. I mean I may be the crazy girl obsessed with knitting in my head and according to DBF, but if I want to make any friends in this world I do need to act somewhat normal while KIPing, otherwise I'll give a bad name to knitters everywhere and I really don't want to do that.

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