Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Coming Clean

I hit my first weight loss goal on February 6th and was able to go buy my iPhone on February 13th. Since this was also around the time of my birthday celebrations my weight loss efforts haven't been exactly a they were, but the fact that I haven't gained the weight back is huge. It means that this is truly becoming a lifestyle change. I am proud to say that I am now back on track this week and working toward some yarn.

Having the iPhone has helped me to keep motivated in this healthy lifestyle. It was a huge reward for a little bit of progress and I don't want to move backwards on that progress. It has also encouraged me to listen to podcasts about healthy living, and I found Fat2Fit radio. I have been listening to their back episodes for the past week and am extremely motivated in keeping up with this lifestyle change no matter how slow the progress.

One of the episodes talked about listener blogs. I don't know if I'm ready to put my blog up on their website, but they did encourage bloggers to not remain anonymous while blogging. I feel like I have been very vague when it comes to my weight, only posting how many pounds I need to lose to get to my next goal as opposed to the actual number on the scale. As scary as it is I think I need to post the actual scale numbers, so here goes.

Starting weight: 210
Current weight: 197.8
Current goal weight: 194.9
Ultimate goal weight: 145

My first goal that got me the iPhone was to be under 200. My goals are set at every 5 pounds because if I look at that bottom number and my current weight I can get a little discouraged, but if I look at the middle two numbers then I know I am close to something.

So now I have come clean on my true weight, guess I should do a weekly post with my progress, and maybe advertise my blog more. I really can't give up this lifestyle if others are reading about it.

1 comment:

Minnesota Mazzio's said...

It is hard to come clean as you put it.. I did today work for a weight loss challenge... I currently weigh 302...there I said again