Thursday, March 1, 2012

No Workout Tonight

I decided not to workout tonight. I got home after a very long day of having to use my brain more than normal and I had learned that some of my friends had had even crappier days. All that I wanted to do was veg on the couch with my husband. And that is what I did, along with eating some of his Chinese food. Of course this was after I had had the bread bowl at Panera with my soup. Long story short, I didn't workout tonight and I ate way too much.

I will definitely make up for it tomorrow by eating healthier and exercising. In fact I'm planning on bringing my walking shoes so I can go for a walk during my lunch hour.

The thing about coming clean with my true weight is that now I feel like there is a bit more accountability to keep up the healthy lifestyle. I'm even considering a weekly weigh in post on Tuesdays.

I'm not going to beat myself up about tonight because this is a lifestyle change. There will be other times in my life when it is just better for my health to spend time withy husband. A big thank you to the guys at Fat2Fit Radio for teaching me this valuable lesson, that I need to live like the thin person I want to be.

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