Monday, March 5, 2012

The Never Ending Shawl

I'm on the last 4 rows of a shawl right now. The total number of rows when all is said and done will be 214 rows and the total number of stitches will be right around 640. The shawl will be gorgeous when it is done and needless to say I want it done. It takes me over an hour to finish a row at this point.

The reason why I'm writing about this shawl is because it is truly teaching me the challenge of living a healthy lifestyle while enjoying my hobby of knitting. I spent all day Saturday sitting around working on this shawl. I didn't exercise at all like I had planned. That fact reflects in my weigh in for the week. My focus has definitely shifted from weight loss to getting that shawl done and I am struggling to find the balance. I need to find a way to enjoy all of my interests without lacking in either area.

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